Monthly Archives: April 2020


Conducting a writing class with my gf and bff
6 ft from my partner and plastic boundaries
Zoom chat with my favorite actress, Kat Barrell during HomeCon2020
Made my acting debut in my gfs film school project.
I now have headshots bc I’m a serious actor
I didn’t get to see my pup for 2 months and this was our reunion
Grocery run
Wrote outside once.
Didn’t get to see my sister on Easter or my birthday.
She sent me lunch though, so it was ok.

This has been a very strange time for me and my anxiety. I miss my gf and my pup. I miss my sister. I miss going out and not having to wear gloves and a mask. I hate how we are all considered dangerous to one another. I hate a lot of things about this. What I love though, is all the time I get to spend with my mom. How my brother doesn’t think I’m leaving him out of things anymore. I love video chatting with my best friend in Utah almost every day. I love that I got to chat with Kat Barrell for a little and she was nice to me. I like that people with hearts of gold are helping out those less fortunate than them. I love that ppl are randomly treating my dad like a rock star bc he’s going to work everyday and risking his health so that they get their mail and feel normal for a bit.

I hope you’re all safe and healthy and are dealing with this as best you can.

Your friend, Lourdi.